This Year’s AclaraConnect is Out-of-This-World
After two years, our AclaraConnect conference is back for 2022, and as utilities recover from a pandemic and confront risks from climate change, resource scarcity, and cyberattacks, the conference agenda will reinforce the need for utilities to Rethink Resilience....

Want to Attend AclaraConnect 2022? Let Us Help You Convince Your Boss!
If you’re a gas, water or electric utility professional who wants to learn from leading industry insiders and experts, then you need to attend AclaraConnect! You’ll get the chance to join learning sessions and workshops run by renowned industry leaders, a...

4 Reasons to Attend AclaraConnect ’22
In the last two years learning and personal development programs largely have been conducted virtually. However, webinars, podcasts, and blogs cannot approximate the benefits of learning directly from experts and getting hands on experience. That’s why,...

Your 7-Point Plan for Fail-Proof Gas AMI Deployment
Deploying advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is complex, whether a utility is large or small. In the case of the nation’s largest natural gas utility, the problem was especially thorny. The utility, with 22 million customers distributed over 24,000 square miles,...

How Much Can Leak Detection Reduce Non-Revenue Water Losses?
Utilities that choose not to install proactive leak detection know exactly how much they are ‘saving’ by avoiding that investment. Unfortunately, they often have no idea of how much they are actually ’paying’ to forego it, since 65 to 75 percent of water leaks never...

Smart Infrastructure Solutions: The Antidote to AMI Tunnel Vision
For 20 years, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has been viewed primarily as a cost-efficient meter-reading resource — a key driver behind water utility ROI. More recently, however, utility operations increasingly rely upon AMI capabilities to cope with broader...

Leveraging AMI Systems for Analytics and Customer Engagement
Acceptance tends to come in waves for any automated technology that replaces manual labor. In water distribution utilities, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technology has already proven its worth for improving efficiency and accuracy in meter reading and...

Why Smart Grid Sensors Are A Better Investment Than FCIs: Part 4
This blog is the final installment in our 4-part series on why smart grid sensors are a better investment than fault current indicators (FCIs, or FPIs in Europe). In our past posts, we established that the Aclara Grid Monitoring Platform with smart grid sensors...

Why Sensors Are A Better Investment Than FCI’s: Part 3
This is Part 3 in our 4-part series on why sensors are a better investment than fault current indicators (FCIs, or FPIs in Europe). Here is a recap on what we discussed so far: Part 1: The short falling of FCIs in meeting utilities' needs for real-time monitoring ...

Why Utilities Should Invest in Smart Grid Sensors: Part 2
This blog is the second installment in our 4-part series on why the Aclara Grid Monitoring Platform is a better investment than fault current indicators (FCIs, or FPIs as they are known in Europe). In Part 1, we noted that Aclara smart grid sensors are more accurate...

Why Utilities Should Invest in Smart Grid Sensors: Part 1
The push to modernize the aging distribution grids and the need to bring low-carbon renewable technologies onto grids has sparked a new demand for distribution monitoring solutions. Traditional legacy fault current indicators (FCIs or FPIs as they are known in Europe)...

What’s Next for the Evolution of Water AMI
In the evolution of water distribution, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has become an asset in reducing labor requirements, improving customer service, and billing, and providing a baseline of information for better data management. The question is how much...