The beginning of a new year is a great time to look at accomplishments and progress in the previous 12 months. We decided to look at how our blog performed last year to help us plan the best mix of articles for utility professionals in 2020. In this article we will share what you considered the top 5 blogs of 2019.
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Here is our countdown. Enjoy!
Number 5 – What Utilities Can Learn from the Science of Black Holes
Black holes were first suggested by Karl Schwarzchild about 100 years ago because they were mathematically predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity. However, saying something exists because the math tells you it exists is a long way from observing it because the math could be wrong.
But in 2019, astronomers, proved the math by imaging a blackholes for the first time ever. The story behind the image is a fantastic engineering as well as scientific one that utility engineers can learn from. Read the article from our Vice-President of Engineering Research, David Rieken, that explains how understanding the science behind black holes can help utilities make better technology decisions.
Number 4 – Hidden Leaks? DC Water Helps Customers Find Them
People move into older homes because of their beauty and character, but they also expect to find hidden problems that need to be fixed. What they don’t expect is help from their local water utility in identifying those problems.
Learn how a program managed by the customer service department of DC Water used meter data collected by its advanced metering infrastructure system to help one Washington, D.C homeowner discover a hidden leak – saving hundreds of dollars in damage and water charges.
Number 3 – Your Convince Your Boss Quick Guide to Attending AclaraConnect
Our number 3 blog helped professionals at gas, water or electric utilities justify their attendance at the AclaraConnect 2019 conference. This premier 3-day conference offers 40+ learning sessions with renowned industry leaders, networking opportunities with more than 200 utilities, a hands-on Knowledge Center, and meter certification classes – all focused on providing the information utility professionals need to make resource distribution systems more efficient, responsive, resilient, and reliable.
Want to learn more about attending AclaraConnect? Read the blog or check out the website. We’d love to see you at this year’s conference, being held April 27-30, at the Gaylord in Nashville, TN.
Number 2 – 10 Reasons to Choose Power Line Communication for your AMI Job
In a day and age when new technologies get most of the press and public acceptance, it pays to also consider proven methods. That’s why this blog came in second in our countdown of most-popular blogs.
TWACS® (Two-Way Automatic Communication System) technology is Aclara’s bidirectional power line communication (PLC) system for meter reading and much more. Specifically designed for the task of reliable communication, TWACS has an enviable reputation for getting the job done consistently, efficiently, and correctly.
TWACS is and continues to be the right tool for the job for the more than 400 electric utilities currently using the solution. Read on for 10 reasons why utility customers agree that TWACS “just works.”
Number 1 – Why Utilities Must Migrate from TDM to IP
Our most read blog of the year deals with the best ways utilities can preserve their investments in time-division multiplexing (TDM) infrastructures while moving to internet protocol (IP) solutions, which are the market-accepted solutions for network technology. The situation is even more pressing now that telecommunications companies have shifted to IP, making TDM technology effectively obsolete.
Learn more about the most efficient way to move to IP while preserving your TDM architecture in this blog.
If you want to keep up with the latest from Aclara, subscribe to our blog.