Apr 6, 2021 | Electric utilities, Grid monitoring
This blog is the final installment in our 4-part series on why smart grid sensors are a better investment than fault current indicators (FCIs, or FPIs in Europe). In our past posts, we established that the Aclara Grid Monitoring Platform with smart grid sensors...
Mar 23, 2021 | Electric utilities, Grid monitoring
This is Part 3 in our 4-part series on why sensors are a better investment than fault current indicators (FCIs, or FPIs in Europe). Here is a recap on what we discussed so far: Part 1: The short falling of FCIs in meeting utilities’ needs for real-time...
Mar 9, 2021 | Electric utilities, Grid monitoring
This blog is the second installment in our 4-part series on why the Aclara Grid Monitoring Platform is a better investment than fault current indicators (FCIs, or FPIs as they are known in Europe). In Part 1, we noted that Aclara smart grid sensors are more accurate...
Feb 22, 2021 | Electric utilities, Featured, Grid monitoring
The push to modernize the aging distribution grids and the need to bring low-carbon renewable technologies onto grids has sparked a new demand for distribution monitoring solutions. Traditional legacy fault current indicators (FCIs or FPIs as they are known in Europe)...
Jan 12, 2021 | AclaraONE, Data analytics, Electric utilities, Featured, Renewable energy
Many electric utilities, experiencing stagnant usage and revenue, are looking to increase electrification by promoting electric vehicles. Cooperatives and municipal utilities also want to ensure their customers have access to the same high-tech offerings as power...
Jan 5, 2021 | Data analytics, Distribution Automation, Featured, Grid monitoring
In 2020 utilities dealt with a worldwide pandemic, an intense wildfire season, and an unusually large number of hurricanes and weather events. Utilities also coped with market and technology changes driven by factors such as an upsurge of renewables on the grid,...